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Parkour Gyms and Parkour Equipment

Keeping The Delicate Balance Between Athletes, Parents, and Gym Owner

Looking for a reliable Construction Company with extensive experience for your next project? At Skyhook Construction, we stand by the excellence of our work and provide clients with personalized attention based on their specific needs. We can add a small Parkour setup to your space, or help you build out a full scale Parkour gym. We have the experience to help you build the best gym possible for members of all skill levels.
Contact our office today to learn more about this and our other available services.


Thoughtfully Designed

Its not every Construction company that can say they offer ongoing support and services every week to a full service gym. Many construction companies work with the gyms they build until the project is done, and then ongoing support costs more money. If that sounds like a conflict of interest to you, that's exactly what we thought! 

By having an ongoing relationship with Skyhook Fitness, Skyhook Construction has ended up learning how to offer products that are affordable right now, that last and will work in the long run. This unique partnership has led to some phenomenal innovations that make our products last longer, work better, and truly make the gyms we put them in great for athletes, and for gym owners. 

It All Starts With A Dream

You had a vision, and now you need help to make it come to fruition. We love helping our clients take the leap into opening a gym, to make the decision to go for it. We have years of experience with Parkour and gym operation under our belts, and tackle the design from both perspectives. We take your input, offer suggestions and thoughts, until you have a design that really will be a dream come true, for you, and your future members.

Industrial Engineer

We help every step of the way



Equipment That Is Uniquely "You"

Whether you just need a small addition t your space, or are a full scale gym that needs everything, we have you covered. From a detail oriented build, to an unparalleled attention to the whole of what your space is, we give you a full package that your members wont forget. Your gym is more than just the equipment that fills it, its a space that your members want to spend time in. Its a place for community, for fun and for a great workout. 
All of our durable and beautiful Parkour Equipment is crafted here in the USA, in our headquarters in Portland Or, from Baltic Birch, coated with a revolutionary finish that holds up to the abuse your members will put it through. Your Gym will be unique to you, and every piece of equipment we build is customized and unique to the gym or business we build them for.

True Parkour?

The Delicate Balance

Something most gym owners don't talk about is what makes a gym a true parkour gym. A lot of current high level athletes who do parkour started in gymnastics, and if they were lucky enough to have a parkour gym near them once they started learning, it was pretty barebones.

Most parkour gyms have rolled rubber flooring, bare wood obstacles, unpainted metal bars, and a lack of any "real" padding in sight. Then, for some bizarre reason, they struggle to get parents to pay for their kids to go to what is essentially an ugly indoor playground, that likely was built as poorly as it looks, i.e., not well. 

As the sport of Parkour grows, Athletes are coming to terms with the fact the gyms they grew up training in and getting hurt in, are not the gyms that will bring parkour into the spotlight it deserves. The parkour gyms of the future are bright, clean, well built, and colorful. They have plenty of padding, and parents see how professional and well behaved the staff is, making them comfortable with the idea of their kids training their.

While some high level parkour athletes might scoff at this change in the industry, its important to keep in mind you can always move kids away from pads and padded floors once they have learned the basics. Adding safety and making your gym look great isn't "selling out", its future proofing your investment, and will help you appeal to a wider audience. Great equipment should be well designed, modular, and beautiful. Using it will let you raise the next generation of parkour athletes to even greater heights, while keeping your investment safe from lawsuits and potential business failure. 

Skyhook will help you build a gym that appeals to Athletes, Investors/Owners, and the parents of your future members. 


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